Siege on the Capitol


This morning began with a sense of deja vu. Reminiscent of the morning after election night, I awoke and quickly refreshed the “election results” tab on my phone. Spill over votes from the night before were still coming in and the race for Georgia’s new Senators was tight. Not an hour after most major news outlets called the results and it was safe to say both Senators would be democratic, major riots broke out on Capitol Hill in Washington DC. Today all members of Congress attended a joint meeting in the US Capitol with the intention of ratifying the Electoral College’s vote for President Elect Joe Biden. Mobs of Trump supporters gathered around the capitol in what initially appeared to be protests. These riots quickly turned violent and in just a few hours, rioters managed to breach the Capitol, smashing through windows and storming the chambers of the House and Senate, halting their meeting in its tracks. While inside the Capitol, a woman was shot and has just been declared dead. These riots are acts of domestic terrorism and have been called an explicit attack on democracy.  President Trump and President Elect Joe Biden have both released video statements urging the rioters to disperse. President Trump has yet to condemn the violence seen at the Capitol today, despite countless world leaders urging him to do so. Many have even placed blame directly on the President for his followers behavior in DC today. With a 6pm curfew now in place in DC, the rioters are beginning to disperse. That said, given the nature of similar events, I would expect the riots to get worse as night falls. 

*The views expressed in the High-O-Scope do not necessarily represent the views of Corvallis High or the staff of the paper. Each author is ultimately responsible for their own work.