Finding Your Path At CHS: The Student’s Guide to Success


Class of 2020, congratulations for finally arriving to high school! Believe it or not, everyone here was once in your place as a freshman, and it is scary! Here are a few tips on how to survive, and maybe even love, being a Spartan!
One important piece of advice (especially for new students who might not’ve had the luxury of having an open campus) is to not spend all of your money at Fred Meyers the first week of school. It’s exciting to go off campus, but bringing a lunch from home is not unheard of! Next, you’ll want to remember this tip because at some point in your high school career, you’ll need it. Something fun in high school is to check out the sporting events that aren’t as popular like soccer, lacrosse, tennis, cross country, and more! Even though the masses go to football and basketball games, other sports can be just as exciting. It’s important that you help bring spirit to all of CHS! The athletes really appreciate it. This also includes events like band, choir and orchestra concerts. CHS has something for everyone! Speaking of which, join some clubs- if there isn’t one that interests you, make a new one! Listen to the announcements.. they have important information about clubs and sports that you don’t want to miss! Lastly, if you don’t want a detention, remember that if you have a class in the science wing followed by a class in the H or T building, you’ll need to rush- those two classes are the furthest away from each other! Talk to your teachers if you keep missing the bell. Another thing about classes outside is to dress for the weather. It can get cold in the late fall and winter. Sometimes it’s nice to bring an umbrella, just in case. It’s better than soaking your homework in a sudden downpour! High school is a time to express yourself, and Spirit Week lets creativity soar- so go all out! Hopefully this helps you wonderful freshmen survive, and please remember that even with the ups and downs, high school is going to be a blast!